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Sounds Now

22.09-23.09 PT-SB

Cura­ting Voices of Other­ness: Women, non-bina­ry, and trans­gen­der per­sons’ cre­ati­ve resi­lien­ce in a world of wars, cri­ses, and poli­ti­cal tur­mo­il.

Wars, con­flicts, and vario­us cri­ses are never gen­der-neu­tral becau­se they affect the who­le of socie­ty, which is itself not gen­der-neu­tral. Tho­se cri­ses, both social and poli­ti­cal as well as cri­ses of valu­es, affect women, non-bina­ry and trans­gen­der per­sons in a par­ti­cu­lar way due to the inter­sec­tio­nal discri­mi­na­tion they face, which is based on a com­bi­na­tion of vario­us cha­rac­te­ri­stics or iden­ti­ties (migrant or refu­gee women, non-bina­ry and trans­gen­der per­sons, per­sons of color or Roma per­sons, dif­fe­ren­tly-abled per­sons, per­sons in pover­ty cri­sis, aged per­sons, non-hete­ro­se­xu­al per­sons, per­sons with caring respon­si­bi­li­ties, and so on). Asi­de from discri­mi­na­tion, women, non-bina­ry and trans­gen­der per­sons often expe­rien­ce gen­der-based vio­len­ce, espe­cial­ly when they find them­se­lves in situ­ations of pre­ca­ri­ty. Rema­ining silent is a com­mon survi­val stra­te­gy. More­over, women, non-bina­ry, and trans­gen­der per­sons’ voices are often bru­tal­ly silen­ced. Art seems to be the only lan­gu­age ava­ila­ble to be heard. Art, music, and sound beco­me political.

The sym­po­sium will be an inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry discus­sion (both the­ore­ti­cal and prac­ti­cal) on what it means to cura­te and cre­ate under oppres­sion, facing hosti­li­ties and exi­sten­tial pre­ca­ri­ty. We will sha­re and discuss diver­se women, non-bina­ry, and trans­gen­der per­sons’ expe­rien­ces of facing cri­ses, ana­ly­ze what dif­fi­cul­ties mar­gi­na­li­sed per­sons face within the cre­ati­ve sec­tor, and try to under­stand to what extent the­ir cre­ati­ve par­ti­ci­pa­tion can be resi­lient and flu­id in situ­ations of emer­gen­cy. During the two-day sym­po­sium, you will meet cura­tors, acti­vi­sts, and arti­sts inc­lu­ding Elham Puriya Mehr and Ali­cja Czy­czel amongst others, dealing with the ethics of other­ness, with a spe­ci­fic focus on women, trans- and non-bina­ry per­sons in the con­te­xts of music and sound. Some acti­vi­ties will be con­duc­ted in smal­ler wor­king gro­ups (ple­ase, regi­ster using the link below), and some will be open to the gene­ral public. 


FRIDAY 22.09

9.30 WELCOMEArri­val and coffee

10.00 INTRODUCTION: Intro­du­cing the con­cept, the people behind and the gro­und rules

10:30 INSPIRATIONS: Inspi­ra­tio­nal pre­sen­ta­tions and questions
Elham Puriya Mehr: The Cura­to­rial as an Inter­fa­ce
This lec­tu­re con­cen­tra­tes on the cura­to­rial as an inter­fa­ce that ampli­fies women’s voices in the entan­gle­ment of socio­po­li­ti­cal con­di­tions. An acti­ve, mul­ti­ple, and joint agen­cy that posses­ses poten­tia­li­ties to enco­ura­ge social rela­tions in the extre­me con­di­tion of sepa­ra­bi­li­ty. Cura­to­rial abi­li­ties visu­ali­se invi­si­ble inte­rac­tions and con­ta­in rhy­thm, sound, and embo­di­ment, and ack­now­led­ge them as poli­ti­cal action.

As a case stu­dy, this lec­tu­re reflects on the Woman. Life. Fre­edom move­ment in Iran as a plat­form for eman­ci­pa­ting voices and bodies, and under­li­nes a cura­to­rial role in its awa­ke­ning and con­ti­nu­ity. It raises questions such as: how can the cura­to­rial as an inter­fa­ce slow down or inter­rupt the pre­de­ter­mi­ned pat­terns that mute voices? And how does it mobi­li­se the con­ti­nu­ation of events in the time of protest?

Olia Dia­tel

13.00 LUNCH – Hash­tag Lab 

14:00 CONNECTIONSSha­ring tho­ughts and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve writing 

15:30 Cof­fee break

16:00 Glis­san­do Launch with guestsMoni­ka Żyła (mode­ra­tion), guests: Elham Puriya Mehr and others 

17:00 Bre­ak and walk to restaurant


19:30 Con­cert at War­saw Autumn: Zubel / Adam­czak / Marel­li / ORKIESTRA MUZYKI NOWEJ / Bywa­lec – Hen­drich / Stań­czyk / Szmyt­ka / Wołek


9:30 CHECK IN: Arri­val and coffee 

10:00 WORKSHOPEmbo­died liste­ning work­shop run by Ali­cja Czyczel

10:45 THE THING FROM THE FUTUREA ses­sion of radi­cal ima­ging of the futu­re. You will take part in a game cal­led The Thing from the Futu­re buil­ding new worlds and relations. 

13.00 LUNCH – Hash­tag Lab 

14:00 WORKSHOPEmbo­died liste­ning work­shop run by Ali­cja Czyczel

14:45 A MANIFESTO OF OPENNESS: Wri­ting a Mani­fe­sto of Open­ness, indi­vi­du­al­ly or in groups.


17:00 Bre­ak and walk to the restaurant

19:30 Con­cert at War­saw AutumnMuka­iy­ama / Pęka­la / Bia­lic / CHÓR I ORKIESTRA FILHARMONII NARODOWEJ / Her­man­to / van Kool­wijk – Zubel / Balch / Roży­nek / Vau­ghan / Bła­żej­czyk / van Koolwijk

+ Acces­si­bi­li­ty: 

Toge­ther with our part­ners at Hash­tag LAB, we make eve­ry effort to ensu­re that our sym­po­sium is acces­si­ble to all who wish to attend it. If you have spe­cial needs and would like to attend an event, ple­ase ema­il us at:

+ Cre­dits:

The sym­po­sium is deve­lo­ped and cura­ted by Moni­ka Żyła (musi­co­lo­gist, wri­ter, and cura­tor), Yulia Lash­chuk (rese­ar­cher and cura­tor), Anne Marqvard­sen, and Anna Berit Asp Chri­sten­sen (arti­stic direc­tors of Sounds Now part­ner SPOR festi­val, Denmark)

+ Questions? Con­tact

Prze­strzeń Muzy­ki Współ­cze­snej Hash­tag Lab współ­fi­nan­su­je Mia­sto Sto­łecz­ne Warszawa.


Wstęp wolny


28.02-02.03 PT-ND

Wspaki i wstęgi. Wystawa autorskich instrumentów Andrzeja Tadeusza Króla

Gościnnie / Wystawa